The program anticipates that participants are divided into teams, and each team draws a specific number and color of challenge cards at the beginning of the event. Each color corresponds to a type of challenge task: there will be
- Creative tasks (e.g., building the tallest tower using pasta)
- Physical tasks (e.g., performing as many jumps on a trampoline as possible in 1 minute)
- Mental tasks (e.g., solving a puzzle to stimulate gray brain cells)
- Theatrical tasks (e.g., preparing a toast for the other event participants), etc.
The teams also have at their disposal a suitcase with various items that may be necessary for performing the challenges. Challenges can be completed individually or in groups, depending on the order of the defined tasks. They can be performed simultaneously, so the team's task is to coordinate among themselves, create a strategy, divide tasks in such a way that they can accomplish as many challenges as possible within the specified time.
The program creates a "buzz" effect as challenges are completed simultaneously, and the maximum number of people are engaged in activities – someone sews, someone sings, someone jumps, someone takes photographs, etc. Each team member can find a challenge of interest to them, contributing to the team's point total, as "everyone must contribute to move the big task forward."